BlueScript is a non-profit organization that develops free and open-source tools to help dyslexic individuals.
Why Choose BlueScript?
BlueScript is intuitively designed for individual use, enabling individuals with dyslexia to benefit with minimal professional assistance.
Always Free
Committed to accessibility, BlueScript ensures that everyone has free access to essential dyslexia support tools.
Open Source
BlueScript welcomes contributions from everyone. Access our source code to modify, enhance, and innovate freely.
Privacy First
BlueScript prioritizes your privacy by not collecting any personal information, upholding your fundamental right to privacy.
Fully Accessible
Utilizing the latest web technologies, BlueScript is designed to be accessible on all devices, ensuring inclusivity for all users.
Scientifically Backed
BlueScript's training methods are developed and validated by experts with over two decades of dyslexia research experience.