Preparing for Training

Setting up the environment for training with BlueScript


BlueScript is a web application that can be used on any operating system. However, for effective training, it is recommended to use a device that meets the following criteria.

Device Requirements

  • A computer, laptop, or tablet equipped with a physical keyboard.
  • A display of at least 7 inches (17.78 cm).

Useful Tools

  • A notebook for recording training progress (account functionality for saving training records will be added soon).
  • Earplugs or headphones to block out noise in a distracting environment.

Training Posture

Maintain a distance of approximately 30 cm from your monitor during training. This is roughly equivalent to the diagonal length of an A4 sheet of paper.

Do not rest your hands on the keyboard when not entering answers. In training sessions requiring short-term prompt memorization, pre-positioning your hands on the keyboard or preparing to type answers prematurely can reduce the effectiveness of the training.

Avoid talking to yourself or muttering during training. Repeating prompts aloud or murmuring them can negatively impact the improvement of visual cognitive functions.