Sequential Visual Memory

Training to recall and input letters displayed sequentially


Sequential Visual Memory training involves identifying and memorizing a series of characters displayed in sequence and recalling them after a set delay. This training enhances sequential visual memory, working memory, perception speed, visual-motor accuracy, and sequential processing ability.

Each training attempt follows this sequence and repeats until the allotted training time is exceeded:

  1. Characters are displayed one by one in order on the screen.
  2. After all characters are displayed, a delay (which can be disabled by setting to 0 seconds) shows a random pattern on the screen.
  3. Once the pattern disappears, the trainee inputs the characters they remember and checks their answers.

Training Settings

Duration (Minutes)

The training ends after the current attempt finishes if the preset training duration is exceeded. The recommended training duration is around 5 minutes, and sessions exceeding 10 minutes are not advised.

Character Type

Sets the type of characters used in the training. Using characters from the trainee's native language is most effective. The available character types are:

  • Numbers: Digits from 0 to 9
  • Alphabets: Uppercase letters from A to Z
  • Alphabets + Numbers: Uppercase letters (A-Z) and numbers (0-9)
  • Korean: Korean consonants (e.g., ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ) and vowels (e.g., ㅏ, ㅑ, ㅓ)

To lower the difficulty, select simpler character types (e.g., from Alphabets + Numbers to Alphabets or Numbers).

To increase the difficulty, select more complex character types (e.g., from Numbers to Alphabets + Numbers).

Character Length

Sets the length of the character sequence used in the training. The length can be set from 1 to 6, and longer sequences significantly increase difficulty.

Delay Time (Seconds)

Sets the time for which the random pattern is displayed after the characters. Delay time can be adjusted from 0 to 25 seconds. Longer delays slightly increase the difficulty. The recommended range is 0 to 15 seconds. If adjusting the delay time is insufficient to fine-tune the difficulty, modify the character length instead.

Adjusting Training Difficulty

Based on training results, you can determine whether the current settings are appropriate:

Accuracy/Average Accuracy

  • Below 70%: The difficulty is too high. If low accuracy persists (2–3 sessions), reduce the difficulty for the next session.
  • 70%–80%: The difficulty is appropriate. Continue with the current settings for the next session.
  • Above 80%: The difficulty is too low. Increase the difficulty for the next session.

After assessing the difficulty using the above criteria, adjust the training settings within the recommended ranges.